
Computational Design is an engineering consulting firm. Its field of specialization is civil and structural engineering area. It is founded 20 years ago from a small team of civil engineers who had excellent educational background.

Its heavy involvement in the development and support of engineering software during the first period of its existence, gave to our team a deep knowledge of the engineering needs in their continuous effort to anticipate all kind of difficulties in their professional areas.

The company took its final legal form in 1998. Since then it keeps on offering its services in Greece and abroad. The cumulative technical and scientific experience of our team and our heavy involvement in complex and unique projects brought this team to the front of the Greek engineering market.

In the production process of our design work we use modern technological equipment (computer systems, peripherals, etc.) and a wide range of reliable and accomplished engineering software as ROBOT Structural Analysis, SOFISTIK, SpaceII, ANADELTA, AutoCad, etc.

The continuous staff education and the participation in research projects strengthen our background and provide to our customers, both from the Private and Public Sector, high quality professional services.

Contact us

Address :29, Perikleous Str.

              15561 Cholargos, Athens


Tel.: +30 210 6560767

Fax : +30 210 6560764

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